Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Unsurprisingly things have gotten a little more complex.
It was likely foolish of me to think that Michael would throw his hands up in the air and scream with joy at the prospect of living with me yet again, but a little encouragement would be nice.
Hey: I was a wicked bitch when we lived together the last time, but I was kind of hoping to get some slack for the past three years of non-communal living that we've waded through.
Best case scenario: I sell my place and we have a successful trial run and go on and have a happy and jubilant life together.
Worst case scenario: I sell my place and, after a month of cohabitation it doesn't appear to be working out and so we break the lease and I buy a bigger and better place and entertain the plumber that was over here the other day in my free time.
It's a win/win situation, really.
Basically I am worried that I may be crossing the line of "leaving well enough alone".
Ah well. I'm nothing if not a consummate line-crosser.

1 comment:

judith said...

Line-crosser you are and it looks like you got a new puss.