Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm open minded

Not only did I read "Twilight", I just finished watching the movie. I didn't get it. I hope to watch either "Crazy Heart" or "The Hurt Locker" this weekend.
In other news: yoga session number two with the ridiculously good looking yoga instructor. And yet again, somehow, when I arrived to class the only spot left was the one directly in front of him. My coworkers are so considerate. My thoughts were definitely not focused on my breathing.
Ummm... I got nothing.
Irony of ironies: Michael and I are both rather stressed and time-constrained currently. It's that toxic combination that typically leads to extravagant fights, and part of my current stress is due to the things I need to do to get my condo ready for the market.
Maybe he'll leave me before the first offer is made.
That would be kind of funny.
Well, maybe not in the immediate sense.


Unknown said...

No,no,no - Twilight is for the masses - skip it - women are weak and no-one gets laid. Try Cassandra Clare's City of Bones books - really, you will say thank you. and i know you well enough to be scared making that assertion.

Duder said...

City of Bones. I will keep an eye out.
Still recovering from Twilight, though...