Monday, March 15, 2010

It's Monday.

When did that happen?
Gonna move some of my stuff back home since I don't need 2+ weeks worth of clothes to house sit until Wednesday. Then I am going to start de-cluttering my place in anticipation of this weekend's open houses. Yeesh. People poking through my stuff. I hate people.
Went to the surprise birthday party for my nana's 85th on Saturday night. It was almost a full house: just missing a couple of people. She was indeed surprised and happy we were there. I have a very nice family.
Then Michael dropped me off because he had to work that night, which he did until 3am. And most of Sunday. He hasn't had a stint like that for a while and it's just a bad place to be in. He was stressed because of work and resentful that he was missing his weekend and he couldn't get the issue resolved and I was bummed I couldn't spend time with him.
Around 5:30 I asked him if he had had dinner (plus he had my car from the night before - mmmm.... Chardonnay) and he said no and so I said I would walk some over to him and he said, tersely "I'm going to be in a bad mood" and I said I didn't care.
Of course when I got there he was happy to see me and he enjoyed the meal. Sometimes I can do nice things that don't upset people's stomachs.

1 comment:

judith said...

That's the attitude...

I always have a fear of having a surprise party for a really elderly person. But I guess if you don't jump out and scare the bejezzus out of them then it's OK.