Saturday, February 13, 2010

Go for the gold!

I hope by now you understand that the titles of my posts are very facetious.
Right. So we go for coffee at the Blue Parrot. If you live in town you know that you can't ever get a seat in this place but, because I am who I am and magical things happen to me every day, a table opens up for us as I walk over to it. We sit and I notice that lots of people are sharing tables because it's so crowded. That was cool. Normally you don't share a table with folks you don't know, but everyone seemed to be in such a good, gracious and sharing mood and it was a pretty big turn on.
I swear to god. Everyone is being so pleasant.
I remember walking down Granville Street with Ex-Work Husband once and he was commenting about the overall unfriendliness and standoffishness of Vancouverites (it's true: San Fran, Seattle and Boston were much friendlier) and to prove a point he said "hi" to a few people as we walked back to the office. We were both dressed nicely. He is a good looking guy. Most people don't want to remove their eyes with a dull spoon when they see me. No one responded to him. It was nuts.
Obviously it's just a show. We secretly want you to be our best friend. Like us. Love us. We'll give you accurate directions and maybe a bottle of maple syrup.
It's nice, though. There was a buzz on the seabus on the way over. There are Olympic volunteers everywhere and I haven't caught one of them in a bad mood.
Ah. My chronology is all over the place. When we were walking to Granville Island I noticed Michael had something sticking out of his back pocket and I made a comment that he was going to lose it and I tugged it out and it was a small white envelope.
I asked what it was.
He said it was for me.
I was perplexed and I opened it up.
It was a Valentine's card. It was so sappy. We got even sappier on the seawall. People were taking notice.
Then we came home and I went and got cookie mix and made him some cookies and I'm going to decorate them in various hilarious and thought-provoking ways tomorrow.
So fundamentally this is how I manage through a weekend that contains two (VDay and the Olympics) of the four (New Year's Eve and Republicans) things that I hate most.
I love Vancouver for trying so hard and for being so positive and kind (though that energy could definitely be re-routed to more necessary projects).
And it was really funny when one of the torches that was supposed to come out of the ground during the opening ceremonies didn't and everyone was looking rather stricken and embarrassed like the time that guy walked into the bathroom once when I was on the toilet peeing.


judith said...

So it that little plastic figure supposed to be a Sasquatch? Someone must have seen the Herman cartoon of Bigfoot. It showed a little hair guy with REALLY big feet and under it was written "what if Big Foot just meant really big feet.

Your goal next week when this event is 1/2 over is to start interviewing all these nice hospitable people asking them if this attitude will become a habit with them.

judith said...

I should have said, your mission next week... should you choose to take it.

judith said...

(fack my fingers, they don't want to work today)

Unknown said...

You are going to get such a BIG hug tomorrow night! And a big schmerpy kiss with my ever-last until the apocalypse and all the plastic bio-degrades red tomato lipstick.

Duder said...

No kissing!!
I've just managed the art of hugging.
This is all moving so fast...