Saturday, December 26, 2009

Guess what I got for Christmas.

In other news: what a great Christmas.
My mom and I drove out to Jay and Andrea's place on Christmas eve and we all went for a verrrrry lengthy dinner at a Chinese restaurant with Andrea's parents. Our reservation was for 6pm and we finally got our food at 8pm. I have never seen a restaurant as busy as this one was. The food was fantastic and no one was in a hurry to go anywhere so it all worked out.
Then my mom and I played with my brother's Wii. I've never played it before and the canoeing bit is really challenging and I also suck at archery. Got a little competitive with my mom playing table tennis. I don't think I'd ever buy one, but I can see how much fun they are when you have a bunch of people over. We were laughing our asses off. After a few glasses of wine centering the controller became almost as arduous as the games themselves. Eep.
On Christmas day we opened presents at Jay's, Andrea went to her parents' and we headed in to my aunt and uncle's in Langley. It was a big dinner: 18 of us. I hadn't seen some of my cousins for a while so I was really glad to be able to catch up with them. Still didn't hold the baby because babies are terrifying. She was pretty cute though (don't tell anyone).
The gift exchange was a riot. I ended up with a nice pair of leather gloves and scarf. My 92 year old step-grandfather ended up with a motorized hamster in a ball. Seriously. He stole that thing back like twice.
We stayed overnight in a hotel which worked well. It was a nicer hotel than the MGM, oddly. Drove my mom and aunt home today and finally ended up back here. Went to the gym. Made a healthy dinner but will still probably eat some chocolate tonight.
Oh: my brother gave me a gift and he said, "I don't know why, but I saw this and I thought of you". It was Monty Python's Holy Trinity (The Holy Grail, Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life). The weird bit? Last week I was thinking I wanted to re-watch Life of Brian because it's so goddamn funny and brilliant, but I was too lazy to walk the one block to Rogers.
Additionally: it came with a t-shirt which I love and am dying to wear but it's huge so all I can do is sleep in it or maybe Michael can wear it and I can call him and specifically request that he put it on because British humor is dead sexy.
Given the maelstrom that was last Christmas I really didn't have many expectations for this one and I definitely had a bad attitude, but - unsurprisingly - it ended up being a really good time and I love spending the holidays with my family.
Ni! Ni!


Godinla said...

Gotta see the shirt now. You can't just mention it and hope no one begs to see it. Put it on and snap a photo. So what if it's huge. It'll hide your fat.

judith said...

Yeah, I want to see it. I love British humor.

Big D said...

I am so glad you had a great Christmas. I just spent 4 days with my family hanging out at my brothers. Mom and nephew and I are heading to 'Woodwards' and rink at Robson Square and other urban highlights today. then another dinner of turkey leftovers (yay!). Family is the best! They HAVE to love you the way you are. We had Chinese food on Christmas eve too. It is our tradition since we were kids. Let's meet on Wed or later.