Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Canadian Tire sucks/I love SomaFM

So Canadian Tire has not responded in any way, shape or form to my scathing review vis a vis their own survey. What a bunch of dingbats. Why put out a survey if you don't actually give a shit or mean to do anything about it?
Thinking of getting snow tires? Don't go to Canadian Tire.
If you know me, which you don't, you know that I hate most things. I have a litany of people, things, books, current events, political situations, music and merchants that I loathe.
But. Instead of ranting (cough, like what I just did), I would like to plug SomaFM.
I've been listening to SomaFM for a few years now and I have the t-shirt and I just love it. It's an independent radio station out of San Fran and if there's two things I love it's indie shit and great electronica. I strongly encourage you to check them out.
But! If you don't dig their music but you do shop at, please shop through the link on the SomaFM site because they get a 5% commission which helps them stay on the air.
Which makes me happy.
And it's all about making me happy.

1 comment:

judith said...

You Sagittarius you....