Monday, November 30, 2009

I need a haircut. And a nosejob. And a tan. Possibly a personality transplant.

I am always asked why I run. I thought about it more than usual today as I was out for my scheduled 2 miles which was really more like 2.3 miles (but what's .3 miles between friends).
I run because I am an angry, neurotic, wound up person and physical exhaustion helps to mitigate the stress and pressure (which is mostly self-imposed).
I run because it helps me control my weight. I weigh myself daily. I hate being fat. I was fat in high school (well, I was a lot of things in high school, but being chubby didn't help my social situation). I have a better body now than I have ever, at any point in my life ,and I am the healthiest I have ever been.
I run because, even though I am cursing the weather and my smelly gear and the way my water belt chafes me when I forget to use Bodyglide, I am always happier when I come back home than when I left.
I run marathons because they're physically and mentally demanding and exhausting. Most people haven't run one and you likely don't know if it's good that I did a 3.10 or a 4.30, but I know what goes into it and I know what it takes out of me and every time that I cross the finish line, whether it was with a smile or with tears in my eyes I am thankful that I persevered just this one more time.
I run because nothing that you really want, that you really desire in life comes easily, and for each 26.2 that I am rewarded for, that hangs off my bookcase (Kelowna, Vancouver, Victoria {twice}, Boston) I know that that is a stepping stone to move on to bigger things if I ever so desire.
When you know what you are capable of, that is when you can decide whether you want to continue or not.
* * *
Oh! Oh! You know why else I run? The taper!
This week I have to run two miles, then three miles, and then three miles again: I have three days of rest. It's awesome! It's so little physical activity that I will have to diet even more than normal.
The taper is where it's at.
I mean, there's that whole nasty marathon looming at the end, but still...


Godinla said...

Do what you like with the hair. Tans come and go. If you touch that beauteous nose or alter that personality, what would be the point of existence?

Supermommy said...

Once when I was running Vancouver, one of the spectators was holding up a sign that said, "If I have to explain 26.2 to you, you won't understand".
And you weren't "fat" in highschool. I never once thought of you as fat. Have you seen a fat person? They're quite large.

Duder said...

Ha. I'll keep the personality, but I've been contemplating the nosejob for a while. It's a honkin' schnoz.
Supermommy: that's cool that you saw that sign, it does epitomize what it is that we do. And no, no one ever thought I was fat in highschool so I must've been some kind of miraculous dresser cause I am 4/5 the weight that I was back then. I lost almost 35lbs after we graduated!