Saturday, November 28, 2009

I bought jeans that fit today

I am house sitting this weekend. Even though Michael is allergic to cats he said he would stay with me last night so we stayed up past our bedtime watching television and eating the best cookies in the world before having a wonderful sleep not interrupted by banging elevators or rattling garbage trucks. It was awesome.
So awesome that, upon looking outside and seeing the rain and imagining how cold it would be, I decided to take the day off running. Instead we did something that we rarely do and don't really like: we went shopping at Park Royal.
I kind of felt like we were tempting fate given that it's less than a month until Christmas and the weather is horrible. I thought the mall would be a gong show, but it was the same as it ever is. I was pleased that I didn't have to take a Valium and I managed to get a parking space without having to wield a crowbar.
I was wearing a pair of jeans which have started to enrage me of late, as jeans are wont to do (naturally). See, these jeans have either gotten bigger or I have gotten smaller. I can currently take them off without undoing them. And because they hang off me the legs are too long and in the rain the bottoms of them get sopping wet and become more heavy and start to fall down even more. I was desperate to find a pair that fit, but I wanted the style from American Eagle cause their stuff fits me well.
Long story short: I showed up in Park Royal wearing a too-big for me hoodie and giant jeans and I kept on changing out of my large clothes as I bought smaller ones, so by the end I just fit right in with all the yuppies in my tight jeans with my fitted plaid blouse. It was only the Privos that didn't work: I should have been wearing either Uggs or high heeled boots.
It was weird, reaching for a pair of size 2 jeans. I know I'm not a size two: it's just some AE marketing ploy to make people feel less fat than they are, but still - I'm one size away from not existing, apparently.
It was a nice day. I'm happy not to run and I'm just going to chill out tonight and watch some TV, get a good night's sleep and go for a run tomorrow. This weather is just killing me though. It's cold, wet and depressing and I just don't have the patience for it like I have over the past couple of winters.


Godinla said...

They don't make jeans that can be taken off of my body without unzipping or unsnapping something or other. Child bearing hips can be a drag.

Have I mentioned lately that you are one of my favorite people on Earth? Well, you is.


judith said...

I used to have this problem back in the BC years (before childbearing.) I was told last night I was still skinny by a skinny person. The truth is I weigh more now than I did 24 years ago before I gave birth to my second child. That doesn't mean I'm going to take up running, I'll just continue to eat less. BTW I hate shopping.

desperado said...

make sure your jeans fit very tight then take a picture for us

Duder said...

I don't know what I have done to be bestowed with such an honour, godinla, but thanks. I hope Tina Fey is in the mix with me. :)
Jomamma: isn't shopping a chore? It's something that I put off until my clothes are literally falling off me. Also, I don't dye my hair to make myself prettier because I can't stand the upkeep. And I don't shave my legs until Michael starts complaining.
Desperado: seriously? Like, really? Come on now.

judith said...

It's such a pain to get dressed and go out only to have to undress, dress and undress several more times again. I only shave my legs when I think they are going to snag my jeans and ruin them.

Pseudonym said...

Yeah, I think we need a pic.

I just can't imagine the whole scenario.