Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today was good. Worked hard and then went to yoga right after where we stepped it up a notch. There was a couple of poses that I couldn't do. Or, rather, perhaps I could do them, but was fearful of losing my balance and landing on my head. I worry about landing on my head more than one would think.
I wanted to go see Ex-Work Husband's boxing match tonight, but I need to stick to my workout schedule (as well as diet) rather religiously seeing as the marathon is -gulp - 9 days away.
It would have been a fun night, though. Such a great group of guys. I miss them and the downtown life and the lunches and coffees and post-work drinks. Shopping on my lunch hour. Taking the seabus to work instead of battling traffic.
Ah well. Now my bank account is a little healthier and the coworkers that get to stare at my visible pantyline as I do downward dog seem like nice, well-adjusted types.
Also? Doing yoga after work means I miss out on most of the rush hour traffic and hopping into my car feeling calm and peaceful and full of zen and turning on my radio to listen to jazz on CBC (en francais) for the ride home in my warm car makes me happpppyyyyyyyy.
Hugs and kisses.