Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I hate the bike

Do you have any idea how boring the bike is when you have to ride it for an hour? It's so boring that I have to jump off and do weights occasionally because, after glancing at my Timex and seeing I've only been at it for 24 minutes, anything seems a welcome relief. Bench press? Bring it on. Tricep dips? Yes, please. One legged squats? Oh god, the rapture.
Then I made scrambled eggs with spinach and green onions. So good.
Finished off Scorsese's Mean Streets. Not as good as Taxi Driver, but I highly recommend it. The acting, cinematography, music. So good. Robert DeNiro is just a supremely talented actor.
Still plugging away at Shock Doctrine. Had an interesting email exchange with my mom and brother regarding this book and politics and corporations and the move The Corporation. Yet again my mom mentioned what an unmotivated lot we are given our dissatisfaction with our government.
Michael called to tell me about a woman in the Maritimes being harassed by the police because she planned to protest the Olympics when the torch was carried through her town.
After this marathon I should really get out and protest. Ultimately I should really spend more time trying to bring down the government and to work for a new world order, but I'm lazy and I am fearful that the next time I step on a plane I might end up in Syria with electrodes strapped to my genitals.
I wonder if they would be able to find my clitoris.
Also: well done Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay with your "I don't know anything about torture in Afghanistan" rhetoric.
Yeah. We're all buying it.
You know what I'd like to do with the Olympic torch (which looks magnificently like a giant joint, by the way)?


judith said...

We used to ride the stationary bike as if we were in the circus. You know... stand on your right foot on the left pedal and have someone else on the opposite side of the bike... like a Russian in the circus. We had a lot of time to kill at the health club I worked at.

desperado said...

pick a movie we can watch