Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Who cares.

So now it's beyond this whole baby shower thing. It's now more of a question of how far I want to take my belief system. I don't believe in marriage or babies or religion or nepotism or the government or the media or traditionalism. I question everything. It's all just one big shade of grey.
The issue now is that if I do not attend the baby shower I am drawing a line in the sand and I would be a hypocrite, then, not to apply this same tenet to all the other things that I think are bogus which could really throw a wrench into my life in general.
It's a nice, fine construct that we have going on here. It's just all about conform, conform and don't question and that's just the way it is.
But let us not offend. No. I understand that this is a happy and joyous event and that I am the only person that is making any issue out of it, ergo I am the one with the problem. I will smile politely and vomit into my napkin and then smile some more.
Here is a picture that made me laugh because if I blog any more I think I will start screaming and hurl my fucking laptop off my 10th floor balcony.


judith said...

I know how you feel, I have not been to a wedding in over 20 years, and you know I've had plenty of chances working at a school and around so many people who need their ego stroked. My excuse is always 'we are going out of town that weekend, sorry.' Well we are.... from our suburb to another one two towns over. I don't tell them we'll be back in a matter of hours. I just hate seeing all that wasted money. She didn't need that big gaudy dress, and her friends will probably be better friends if they didn't have to wear those gaudy dresses. If you are going to spend that kind of money, spend it on a house or something beneficial to the household.

And then I turn right around and start looking for a place to stay in St. John and book a $400 flight out there, and drop a couple of thousand on a trip to see my brother get married on the beach. Why? Cuz by God, I need a vacation! And driving an hour and a half to Corrsicanna Texas doesn't even come close.

So I ask you, am I a hypocrite? Well at least we have each other.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Agree totally. So that makes three hypocrites.

judith said...

12 hours later and the hypocrites are still winning.

Duder said...

Ya, hippycrites! Fack. I'm still mad.
And then the kicker? One of my coworkers didn't come in to work today because she has to stay home with her sick child.
I came in to work TWO HOURS LATE after spending time in Emergency with Michael when he had his bike accident and I was told I could either take unpaid time or use up my vacation.
I'm going to the gym.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

I've been on the receiving end of similar discrimination in the past, yet someone with kids just has to string a random sentence together with 'son' or 'daughter' in it and that somehow makes everything OK. Grrr!

I used to park in 'mother and child' spaces at supermarkets as some kind of pathetic protest but they've now started issuing fines to people who park in those spaces but haven't got children with them. Grrr!

Why should we be discriminated against just because we don't have children?

And another thing... In the UK income taxes are used to pay Child Benefit of £20 per week to parents of every first child and £13.20 for every 2nd, 3rd, etc child. This is NOT means tested - all parents get it. Why? There are numerous other benefits available to you if you have children, but if you don't then it's tough! It's no surprise that we have so many single parents in this country - it's almost a profession.

OK, rant over.

judith said...

That's not right, they should not treat you differently just because you don't have kids. I'll rent you mine if you need them. We'll just start you a tab, just tell them "my son in Texas..." I can't stand that, I hear it all the time, but they don't get away with it because I'm the fine example of the person who didn't go back to work until the kiddies were old enough to fend for themselves pretty much.

No one needs to be rewarding people for having kids in this world. We have too many people running around being a drain on society as it is without being rewarded for it.