Sunday, September 6, 2009

More beer now

The last couple of longs Sunday runs have been disastrous for me. In both instances I went out too fast and fell apart at the end. This is not optimal because a) you end up having a garbage run on your hands and b) you come away from it feeling depressed and not capable of running a marathon.
The reason that I've gone out too fast is because the group that I normally run with has disintegrated. My pace leader doesn't run in the summer clinic and some of the other guys have gotten faster and moved up to the 8 minute mile group and so I just gradually drifted over there as well. And 8 minute miles are fine, if I'm only running 10 or 12 of them. I fall apart if I try to maintain that pace too long (though I managed to hang onto it Boston, go figure).
Anyways. We were scheduled for a 21 miler today and I had (as I like to do) worked myself into a state of panic about it. What if I have a bad run again? If I didn't have a good run today then surely it meant I am not marathon ready. And also? Why the fack do we have to run up Dempsey hill?
I promised myself and Michael (who is still recovering and was doing an abbreviated run) that I would go out with a slower group (8:45 - 9 minute miles), pace myself and then pull away for the last quarter with all the extra energy that I should, theoretically, have.
We start out and I immediately start chatting with someone while running 8:15s. After half an hour I bid him a fond farewell and dropped back, waiting for another group to overtake me. I trotted along the seawall in Ambleside for a while, looking back over my shoulder, feeling lonely and... slow and so I just went on ahead. A group of 3 guys passed me and so I started tailing them but they were only doing the half marathon route, and encouraged me to join them to their turnaround point which worked wonderfully because I would've gotten lost without them. We stopped at the first aid station and then they went on and I waited again for another group. No go. Fine. Alone again I head out towards Lynn Valley. I spot a guy in the distance and run over to him, chat about how it's his first marathon and again it was good I met him because he prevented me from making a wrong turn somewhere (I get lost turning corners).
See? Look at me! All not getting lost and meeting people and stuff.
He was a little slower than what I wanted to go so I pulled ahead and tried to tackle the monstrous ascent that I thought was a joke at first and which reduced me to walking (I later met the pace leader that thought the route up and I snorted "so it was you!"). The next pace group caught me at the second aid station and so I ran 8:45s with them for a while and met some more people and ate some gels and drank some fluids and picked the jube jubes out of my teeth with my tongue as a deluge drenched us and then we were in the trails.
When I finally figured out where I was I decided to pull away. Or run away, if you will. Run away! And I did. I booked it down the trail, back under the Lionsgate and to the coffee shop where we had all started from and I felt great. Thank the gods of New Balance and Cliff Shots and whatever was in that cistern that I drew my water from (steroids? growth hormones? opiates? who cares??) because I came in strong and with a smile and I felt like I could've run a marathon today. Phew!
Cause I just booked my ferry reservation and registered for one.


desperado said...

i bet you feel great after long marathons. i take long walks and feel good afterwards, other than the physical exhaustion you feel great

Godinla said...

I don't drink beer and that reminds me that I'm not as connected to you as I pretend and wish to be. I don't run marathons either. I can't run marathons. My bad knee is a total mess and I'm 49 years old (not to mention the sick amount of pounds of fat that I'm carrying these days).

All that seems to fall by the way side when I read your words. You have such a grand and sparkling way with this language. You make me proud when I read you, even though I really have no reason to be proud of a crazy woman I've never met.

Please keep writing anything that you fancy. You entertain.