Monday, August 17, 2009


My brother sent this to me today. Beats anything I have to say!

So everyone has their ways of dealing with stress and anger, or things they do when they just need a break.
For me, the ability to be able to load up my bike after work and head down to the river, is irreplaceable. As you slide into corners and rail out of them, putting a wall of roost behind you, or power off a jump and for a brief second, float in the air, all your problems get churned into the dirt. The rush and uncertainty of every second, leaves no time to think about work, or traffic, or bills. An hour later and everything becomes manageable again. Everything seems less dramatic. And as you take your gear off, you watch a bald eagle take a fish from the river and a flock of Canadian geese fly over. You drive away and look in the review mirror to see a track carved into one of the most beautiful back drops imaginable, and realize, not many people have the opportunity to experience this, and those that do, might not even notice it.
Hope your Monday went something like that too!


judith said...

Oh how wonderful that you both are writers. He and my son would get along very well.

Unknown said...

yup. thanks, I'm hearing both of you. i cut my finger and practiced my guitar anyway.

Duder said...

Yay! I hope everyone had an inspirational Monday.