Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Less painful than a marathon, and thirty minutes faster

Yassos at the track today. The theory is that if you can do ten of them (800 metres) at the time (in minutes) that you wish to do your marathon at, it will be so. For example if you wanted to run a 4:00 marathon you should be able to do ten 800 metre sprints at four minutes each (with a four minute rest in between each one).
We did six of them and I came in around 3:15. We'll see what kind of time I have when we get up to ten.
If I ever see a 3:30 marathon again I will be a happy girl.
Running is hard. I tried to convince some of my counterparts over coffee to quit run club and start something easier, like bridge club.
I'm such a whiner.


judith said...

Is this on you? Cool! Don't quit running, you need to run, you'll miss it. Maybe not this year but you'll miss it in 20 or 30 years.

Duder said...

No, I shan't ever quit running. I would go insane. I'm like a border collie. With ADD.
Yes, that tattoo is on my upper arm. I got it on Monday.

desperado said...

nice tattoo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Amazing!

judith said...

It's beautiful... tattoo artist amaze me.

Godinla said...

Well, you're not Jewish.

Interesting ink.