Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eye of the storm

Deadlines looming. Exhausting workout. Succulent watermelon. Maanouche Swing - It Had to Be You. Hemingway. Tongue piercings. Lasqueti. Dad. Dirty carpets. Long phone convos. Brandy. Thinking too much: why did I not notice where I was on Maslow's hierarchy? Was the checkout guy really hitting on me? What should I do on August 6th? I'm glad I contributed to Nelson's charity. I should really sign up for boxing. Men will fuck anything. Actions speak louder than words. I need to pay down my mortgage. How old do I look? Why is Michael so good to me? I understand why my father lived alone. I need to buy more philosophy books. Mile repeats tomorrow. Is the ego really that bad? Free will. Human nature. Inner happiness. Self. Retirement. How much will my brakes cost? Should I take the bus back or walk? I need a massage. Party Friday. I'd like to learn guitar. I wish I could sing. Where's Po? Twelve miles on Sunday?
Yet again I've stayed up past my bedtime.


judith said...

Are you meditating again? (This is what happens to me when I meditate.)

Big D said...

And that was just the last 2 minutes I bet. You're making my head hurt. Take a Valium.

Anonymous said...

Fun! I can laugh while reading your words. And I'm not laughing at you. Your blog is fun, it's my first visit, and I found you through a bunch of others including Debi Cates and The Green Stone Woman. I'll be back.