Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thank you

For that moment when the music seeped in and the hot water encased my body and I paused to look at the flickering of the candles perched on the corner of my tub and felt everything just fall away and I pressed the book against the bridge of my nose, resting my head upon it and allowing my mind to wander and explore the various scenarios that enabled me to end up where I am at this current moment, to explore who I am and what I want and where I think I'm going.
But mostly thank you for allowing me to let it all go and so it was just me, existing, in the dimly lit bathtub with beautiful music filtering in while I stared at my wrinkled toes.


judith said...

That's beautiful.

Dying Diety said...

Yeah, beautiful is the word.

I'm going to save my Hummingnest for you. Whenever we meet, I'm handing you a tiny home.