Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My balls/Why trash-talking is bad

Remember the other day when I was so pleased about how my brother was cool as a cucumber collecting his awards and being friendly to everyone at the track?
Okay. So maybe I didn't do that as of late. I've been trash-talking a friend of mine about how I'm going to shatter his half marathon record on Sunday. The time to beat, kids, is 1:42. I ran a 1:42:06 half in Boston (when I was in peak shape and the first half of the course was downhill).
See, trash-talking was stupid for a few reasons:
  1. Before I opened my giant gob, I only had myself to beat, and my half PB to date is 1:43:54 (I'm talking official half marathons, not halfway points in marathons)
  2. I'm feeling a little anxious and under the gun because I have to perform. I have performance anxiety. I'm afraid I can't get it up.
  3. If I don't beat his time I'm going to look like a wanker. Well, more so than usual.

Heh. When we went for our run last weekend I told him "suck it up, princess". That really was apropos of nothing, but it makes me laugh on the inside when I recall it.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that if I don't beat his time on Sunday it's because (I'm not as fast as he is) I've been having issues with one of my hamstrings. Or because (I'm fat) I didn't fuel properly. Possibly the reason I might under perform is because (I'm in over my head) it's a 7am start and so I'll have to get up at like 5am and that's just stupid (because I like to complain when I run, and I like my sleep and, fundamentally, I'm a very lazy runner).
But if I beat it? It's all, me baby.


judith said...

Oh, be sure to use the "I'm on my period..." and if he doesn't like that, hand him a tampon and have him try running while 'wearing' it.

rob said...

Great fight footage! not sure if one combattant is south paw or not? I don`t think he is sure either :o)) (I always found it awkward to fight south paw`s) nice fight! thanks for sharing it with us.