Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I love Mountain Equipment Co-op (and cool shirts)

MEC rocks. The guys there are so super nice. I'm sure the girls are nice too, it's just that I usually get a guy when I go through the cashier.
So MEC kicks ass because 1% of your purchase goes back to the environment and because they promote a healthy lifestyle and have awesome organic cotton tees. I am a purveyor of fine t-shirts, and of the six t-shirts I have with logos one of them is MEC (the rest are: CBC; SomaFM; a Shepard Fairey print [in yellow, though]; a cool Boston shirt; and the Obama shirt my bro and Andrea got me).
MEC also kicks ass because I bought a water belt there a couple of weeks ago and it must've been on a day when I weighed 80 pounds more than normal, because when I tried to go for a run with it it was just huge. And I had taken ALL the tags off. And lost the bill. Heh heh.
The guy took it back with no hassle and was super friendly and I felt so bad that instead of taking cash, I said I would take store credit. Because yet another reason that MEC rocks is that their Cliff Bars and their gels are the cheapest around, and they carry some good ones.
Unfortunately I don't think they carry pellet guns, cause I was really kind of wanting one when this fucking pigeon landed on my balcony, shit on my balcony, and then flew away.

1 comment:

judith said...

We don't have those stores here we have REI. When Jolea was in Seattle, one of the guys on her boat kept saying "we need to go to Rays, have ya'll been to Rays?" Rays this and Rays that... Both Jolea and the other guy from the states had never heard of Rays... turns out he was talking about REI. Our family (except the hubby, he's afraid of pastimes that don't include porcelain) loves those kinds of stores. I could spend days in the Camping sections.