Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot yoga

Last night I was worried about how to get from Kits to Burnaby. So I went ahead and had a dream in which my father was driving me to work and, as usual, wanted to do all this last minute stuff and didn't seem to be respecting the time constraints as I thought he should (in my dream it was my first day of work).
Got to work half an hour early.
Came home and it was too hot to run so I did yoga in my bikini on my mom's rooftop deck, under the purview of the sun, under the brilliant blue sky, gazing over the Vancouver skyline and the ocean as a light breeze wicked away some of my sweat and I wondered where that zebra spider that had been monitoring my progress had disappeared to.
Had a conversation with Michael during which I was twirling my glasses around by one arm and - lo and behold! - one of the lenses pops out because the screw that holds the frame together became unscrewed.
Which meant I was screwed, because I need my glasses to drive and I had only the one pair with me.
But, because I am who I am (scream it with me in unison now: Horsehoe!) I was able to find the screw which is smaller than the "t" in "terrific" and, remembering that back in the day my parents had this really cool mini-screwdriver set, I was able to rummage around, find it, slot the screw and fix my glasses.


Unknown said...

Makes you my heroine for the Day! Hot Yoga and rescuing yourself all in one day - I will attempt both at day's end as I must clean my bathroom, including floor washing.

judith said...

You are such a renaissance woman (I've always wanted to say that.)