Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's really hot

I was very tired today at work. I'm not sure what it was that didn't motivate me sufficiently: the heat? The data entry? The inaneness of it all?
I kid.
Vote NDP.
Came home. Went out and drank too much (oh my god that never happens!).
I need to lose weight, get in shape and... remember when I used to run marathons? That was funny.
Oh! I saw Svend Robinson today. He totally checked out my ring and I was like "dude, this is one ring you cannot steal" (cause my fingers are like swollen sausages on account of the fatness factor).
In other news... nice view from my mom's deck. Very sparkly.

1 comment:

judith said...

So is this heat abnormal for you guys? I think we're a bit below our normal average. But we've been having rain for a few days too. Supposed to only be 83 today.