Sunday, June 21, 2009


When Jay and I were growing up he got into dirt biking. I tried to get into dirt biking but I took that green 80cc Kawasaki straight into the bush at a high speed and ended up in a patch of stinging nettles. My dad thought it was pretty goddamn funny. That more or less ended my dirt biking career.
Jay, however, went on. He's been at it for years and years now, but for some reason I've never made it out to see him, which is really inexcusable on my part. I've spent the better part of my life with my head up my ass as most people know.
He fairly recently got in supermoto racing which involves a paved track and a dirt track with some jumps. My mother and I went out to see him race today and it was awesome.
We arrived just as the qualifying trials were starting (he came first: hell yeah) and he took home 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the three races that he was in today. The last race was the best, when he started out in the first third of the pack and picked riders off one by one, making his way towards the premier position. I can't remember if this was the race he placed first or second in, but it was totally exciting and my mom and I were actually jumping up and down and screaming at him as he made his way down the final stretch.
I know the three of us were all sorry my father couldn't be there, especially given that today is Father's Day. He would've loved to have seen Jay screaming around the track and battling for position. But I think he was there, withholding the rain so Jay could have some great races (the first drops didn't start to fall until the awards were being handed out).
It was an awesome thing to be a part of. The other riders were great, especially his sponsor: the owner of War Motorsports.
The camaraderie and competitiveness and sense of fun and humor were evident. And I was so, so pleased to see my "little" brother go up three times for placing. He's very cool, calm and collected and doesn't showboat at all. No cocky swagger there.
Yeah. Definitely going to have to show up to more races in the future.
Congratulations Jay!!!

1 comment:

Big D said...

Yeah J!!!! Way to support your brother. Zoom Zooooooooommm!!