Thursday, June 11, 2009

Entonces (a girly blog about hair)

My hairdresser loves me. Or else she puts on a very theatrical act in the hopes of a big tip. I dunno. She thinks I'm hilarious. From the time I get there until I leave she laughs. At me. I must admit that, given the correct audience, I can be pretty funny.
Anyways, I show up sort of wanting to get my hair cut like I had it in March, but also kind of wanting to grow it out. I had asked Michael last night if he had any preference as far as haircuts where concerned and he said, "Yeah: platinum blonde and down to your waist". Jesus. It would be much more feasible for him just to leave me, find said stripper, and allow me to go on with my boyish ways.
So I gesture wildly and pull at my hair and flap my arms and cry a little bit and my hairdresser seems to understand and I say, "Let's try and leave a little length and if I don't like it, we'll just cut it all off" and she says okay. So she leaves some length and I start vigorously shaking my head in terror and tell her no, I don't like it and to please take it off and she talks me down from my perch on the chair and extricates the electric shaver from my hand and says "It'll all be alright" and that if, in a couple of days, I still hate it, she will make it shorter.
But it's growing on me (get it? growing?). It was pretty long. Seems a shame to lop it all off. And it doesn't seem to require too much upkeep. She told me to call her if I feel the need to pare down and she would try and assuage me with colors or streaks or a trim. She's going to help me get through the awkward phase. We're going to work through this tough time together.
I remember when I had hair like this: it was kinda fun. I also notice that a couple of weeks after this pic was taken I started my descent into shortness (and never really looked back). So we'll see. I know men like long hair. But men like a lot of things.
It's good to like things.


judith said...

When the hubby and I met I had long hair. I kept the long hair until I was in my 30's, I believe long hair ages some women and I am one of them. Now my hair is short, not as short as yours, but pretty close. My sister, who has always had short hair, believes men feel threatened by women with short hair. It take balls to have short hair, and you know how men are about women with balls. I sort of feel it has something to do with that whole caveman thing of dragging a woman around by her hair, it's a fantasy. Like that woman with platinum blond down to her waist. How often do you see that?

rob said...

It takes a certain type of woman with natural looks to be able to wear her hair short, and I think that it certainly suits you. Its also practical with your running persuits ie the times ,I guess, you wash it a week ! imagine the waist length hair and the amount of time involved keeping it "groomed" my hair is short "naturally" and I count myself fortunate that I can wash it as often as I wash my face :o)) Life is too short to spend time on unnecessary acts of vanity, well almost. Buy a dish washer too and save more time ( about 20 minutes a day) I guess you have already got one of those? :o((

Duder said...

He he. You guys are hilarious.
It is true, though. I think men are a bit freaked out by women with short hair.
And yes. I have a dishwasher. And I love it more than I should.

Godinla said...

Men like long hair because not all women can pull off the short look. You not only pull it off, it seems natural on you.

Jomamma, I live in LA. Platinum blondes are a dime a dozen. Now, a platinum blonde without a boob job is a rare item.

rob said...

"I have a dishwasher. And I love it more than I should." Mmmmmmm
:o(( ?

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

"I know men like long hair". Umm, bit of a sweeping statement is that. Personally I don't care what length a woman's hair is, as long as it looks OK. Yours looks great short - it suit you.