Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My mom gave me this owl when I saw her on Monday. It runs off a solar panel so it charges during the day and then comes on at night. I didn't realize I had it turned on and I was immersed in the book that (I finished!!) I was reading for tomorrow's book club and I looked up and saw this glowing green thing at the foot of my couch.
My mom collects owls, whereas I collect neuroses and bad habits. They're easier to pack up when it comes time to move.
In unrelated news I saw a rainbow when I was running this evening. It was full of shimmering vibrancy and bright, beautiful hues and there was a fainter rainbow cascading next to it and, as I always do when I see rainbows, I am reminded of what God told Noah (yeah... I wish I was kidding, but some things are indelibly seared into your brain at a young and impressionable age). God said "I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth".
I didn't actually remember that verbatim and I had to look it up which got me to thinking: where's that covenant at? Um, Hurricane Katrina? The tsunami in 2004? And then I remembered that oh yeah: there is no god. Boy, was that a forehead slapping moment.
And the site that I was directed to to get the rainbow covenant quote went on further to espouse this: "The testimony of both creation and the flood has been forgotten by many in the world. Reflections about the rainbow sign have also been corrupted. Some people now view it as a symbol of homosexual pride and gay “rights.” This “view” shows total disrespect to the Creator who designed sexual relationships to be in marriage between male and female (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:2; cf. Matthew 19:4). To corrupt the symbol of His covenant by associating with such a despicable and ungodly manner of life is purely vile and disgraceful."
Basically, what I'm trying to say (in the most godless way possible) is happy belated Anti Homophobia Day!
And solar panels + owls = FUN.


Margarita Mirasol said...

You are funny.

Big D said...

We just thought it was pretty. But yea,all that too.

Every day is Anti Homophobia Day. (OK, I missed it to)
I think it has an official song now.
