Saturday, May 30, 2009

I know I'm bitter, but I'm trying to temper it

Okay. Having re-read the last post I realize I come across as being rather bitter and angry. And I'm okay with that.
But mostly what I want to point out is that: through these experiences I was able to grow and learn and more finely tune my creed.
Everything that I have gone through has enabled me to be where I am right now and I am aware of that.
And, if my weird horseshoe luck wasn't enough, I sometimes look back at the path my life has taken and I have a hard time figuring out if was all just happenstance or if it was all interrelated and is all leading to some amazing climax where I become the Prime Minister of Canada (after beheading Stephen Harper) and then win the Nobel Peace Prize and become the Omnipotent ruler of Earth and make Eric Bana my man servant.
Strike that: encourage Eric Bana to accept the position of "Assistant to the Omnipotent Ruler of Earth" with a 32 hour work week, paid overtime, great extended benefits and five weeks vacation each year.
Dude. Have you seen "Munich"?

1 comment:

judith said...

It's all meant to happen this way, even where there is a fork in life's path, it will still lead us right back to where we were headed in the first place, it was just a detour.

Hey my brother is Lord of the Universe and Emperor of the Free World, you two should get together and talk politics. He requires a couple of cases of Shiner Bok or Lone Star, to get started.... gotta loosen up the tongue.