Saturday, May 30, 2009

This one time? When I was in band camp?

So. Yes. I (officially) got the job.
It was more or less inferred that I would get this job, but I'm never one to count my chickens until I eat them.
It was funny because, after I received the news (which went like this: "There were no other internal applicants, so the job is yours") I sat at my desk for a while and contemplated the horseshoe scenario.
I mean, it's a knee slapper when you really think about it. Michael and I were always astounded by union life and, for the most part, opposed it but then we would always say that we wouldn't turn down a union job if we were offered one. So I'm a huge fucking hypocrite. Oh well. I'm a huge fucking hypocrite that doesn't work Mondays. Deal with it.
Moreover though, I've always always always scoffed at the concept of "freedom". You're absolutely retarded if you think you're free. You're not free because you work a 40 week and you have no choice. Do you really have an equal bargaining position with your employer? Fuck no. When they say jump you say "how high?". You have a 25 year mortgage. You can't make any decisions without consulting with your significant other, without worrying about your kids. Hell, sometimes you see something cool at some store but you don't buy it because you worry about what "people might think". Free. Oh my god. It kills me. I can't even pick and pay for the fucking channels on television that I want to watch. So I don't have cable.
This horseshoe thing is eerie, though. I'm almost starting to feel as though a lot of my life is pre-ordained: I just keep lucking into these amazing scenarios. Today, after having sex with my incredibly attractive partner that I broke up with once and that took me back for some reason that escapes me, I said, "Have you ever met anyone as lucky as me?" and he said no.
So what path am I on? What am I supposed to do with all of this? I guess I should take it all as far as it will let me.
Today's photo is brought to you courtesy of Maersk. I was sent to Mississauga for some training (over a fucking long weekend) and so I opted to make the most of it and visit some friends and Niagara Falls. I quit shortly after returning and someone in HQ alluded that it was tacky that I was quitting so soon after being flown to HQ for training and being put up in a hotel for so many days. And I think it was tacky that, after being promoted to supervisor, I was making less per hour than I had been as a regular accountant because of all the overtime that I was working. And also? In the quarterly newsletter that Maersk put out? They listed their number one asset as their vessels.


judith said...

Who gives a crap what they think at that old job... if it's time to move on, it's time to move on. They are just jealous that they didn't think of it first, they're pissed because now they are all having to do your job as well as their own.

My son is currently working for a real jerk. He is NOT planning on retiring with this company or anything like that. He's 'padding the resume', this guy sends him to all these 3 day schools on how to program control panels. Yes he comes back and shares his knowledge, but does the guy pay him extra for then being an instructor at the company? Hell no, so it's going to bite him in the ass. Karma will get the jerk in the end. Just like it got your employer. They made you Supervisor and didn't treat you well so you had to go... their loss. Bosses/company owners had better treat their people good or else they'll be trying to get a days work out of a bunch of vessels.

Duder said...

Yeah. Michael and I were talking about that newsletter the other day. Michael almost fell off his chair when he read that line. I can't believe I didn't keep it...
Yeah. Employers, for the most part, do not look out for your best interests so you have to take care of yourself first.

judith said...

So are you talking about the 4 day a week job? Or the job where all the cute lunch guys were?