Monday, May 25, 2009

I am using my $3,688.16 Mastercard statement as a coaster for my Dewar's

One tends to need a stiff drink upon receiving a credit card bill closing in on 4k. I should really stop gambling and lay off the hookers and booze.
I went for lunch with my mom today and, as we were heading back to her place, we witnessed something very strange. A man had walked out into Granville street and was hammering on the door of a southbound bus that was stopped for a red light. My mom and I exchanged bewildered glances and a myriad of knee-jerk first impressions flashed through my mind. Then more people walked into the street and started demanding to be let on the bus. We were able to discern that this bus had failed to stop at the designated point, thereby robbing these people of their ability to effectively board it.
So my initial assessment that some guy was simply to late arriving at the bus stop and was being a belligerent asshole for the sake of it was wrong. Though I have seen this before. In fact, I have knocked politely on bus doors in the hopes of being let on, though I am always understanding when the driver shakes his head or pretends to ignore me (most don't though, cause I have an endearing smile and sometimes wear skirts).
Things did grow a little more strange, though, as another man started yelling at the bus driver (who had been sufficiently badgered into opening the door to allow the frustrated riders aboard) in a really aggressive manner. I couldn't hear what the bus driver was saying in response, but this loud, angry man was essentially reiterating what we already knew: the bus driver had failed to stop. But whatever it was that the driver was saying was absolutely enraging this man. He was halfway out into traffic and then threatened to call the police. Why? This was hardly a police incident: no crime had been committed.
By now all the passers by on the sidewalk are stopping to stare as this man screams at the bus driver, pointing his finger at him and telling him to just "sit down and drive that goddamn bus". It was surreal. The guy was almost apoplectic and he was slightly scaring my mom and I.
For him the issue was clearly something other than a bus driver failing to pick up some passengers, because the level of rage that this guy was displaying was out of proportion with the issue at hand.
And the kicker? He was just some random guy: he didn't get on the bus. How does someone go so totally off the deep end, threaten to call the police and viciously berate the driver of a bus that he doesn't even want to get on?
It was a rather intense reminder that you never know what might set some people off. Though I must admit I have had many surprisingly pleasant encounters with strangers, helping to solidify the age old adage that people are inherently good like that woman that helped me at the Running Room today.
On a totally unrelated note, the pic above is from our trip to San Francisco way back in 1876. I thought the name of the street was funny. Also funny? I was just chatting online with the Robot Liberator about rim jobs (he was watching "Entourage") and I admitted I had no idea what that was (when I have sex it's in the dark with a hole cut out of the bed sheet), and thought it sounded like car troubles, focused rather specifically on the rims of the tires.
Yesterday, when I was driving on Uranus...


judith said...

You should have taken a picture of Mr. Loudmouth and made a poster...
"Have you seen this man? He's really loud and scary."
I have a feeling we'll see more and more of that. People going off in public. Maybe he didn't have any Dewar's for his Mastercard.

Duder said...

Do you think? God. I hope not. He was probably just off his meds...