Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day seven and beyond

Hated to leave. The sun was shining, the temperature was up and it was a beautiful city to leave behind.
But I think we enjoyed it as fully as we were able to. We kicked ass on our respective marathons and we didn't rest on our laurels afterwards. I love Boston. I don't rule out the idea of going back in a few years, but I'm not going to put any marathons on my immediate horizon. Four marathons in two years is enough. Okay, we're kind of contemplating Las Vegas. But that's totally in December.
Flying back sucked because it was longer than the flight there. They tried to placate us with "Frost/Nixon" which was good. I further facilitated it with a blueberry beer at the airport and two vodka tonics on the plane. Gad.
Thanks to the marathon, not sleeping well for six nights, a time change and spending about 8 hours on planes I managed to come down with a cold, but refused to acknowledge it on Saturday when I had Jay, Andrea, my mom, Michael, Po, Squishy, Big D and L over. It was nice to be able to share some our stories with them. Not everyone had met, so I was also pleased that new introductions were made. Good food, lots of laughter and I got flowers from Po and Squishy! I never get flowers. They're sooo pretty.
Hats off for Andrea running her first 10k at the Vancouver Sun Run! She had a great time and did it in style, staying in a swank hotel downtown.
And congratulations to Big D for running his furthest distance ever today! It was 11k and then it was 12k and I understand there was a misunderstanding with the directions and it turned out to be 12.6k overall. Funny how that happens...
And just to make it clear that I'm not the only one out there doing stuff, here's my "little" brother (I think he's six feet) doing his thing.
And here's a brief (sideways) film of my blueberry beer. If anyone has any tips on how to make it vertical, please let me know. Cause I'm just a girl. That runs a 3:30 Boston marathon. Ahem.

1 comment:

judith said...

woo hoo for MotoX... now that takes some stamina. Hate that you have a cold... I don't know why they don't flood the planes with pure oxygen the minute they hit the ground to kill off some of those germs. Now we have to worry about swine flu... suuuuweeee.