Saturday, February 14, 2009

Must... get... faster (internet)

Yesterday I worked out and then Michael came over and brought chocolate dipped strawberries (six of them). He had one. There is currently one left.
Today we went for a 10k run and we saw a couple of people from our clinic that were driving by, plus I bumped into Environmental Guy that I used to work with. It was so weird and random! I've missed him a lot, we used to have really great chats.
Picked up a new modem that Telus sent me and have had a fucking helluva time setting it up. I was on the line with them for AN HOUR AND A HALF and the issue's still not resolved. I've returned to the old modem. Apparently they are going to call me back. Cause this is how I want to be spending my Saturday night which is also Valentine's Day.
I'm not complaining.
Okay, I'm complaining.
I just really dislike technical issues and I just want Telus to come over here and fix it because I'm sick of releasing IP addresses and creating new wireless networks and enabling and disabling. Sigh. Sexy.
Yes. So Happy Valentine's Day for those of you out there that celebrate this sort of thing. I think that you shouldn't shower your loved one with affection on just one day. You shouldn't ever do it. Cause then they start to expect it, and it just gets awkward.

1 comment:

judith said...

lol, you reminded me of a stand-up comic I heard on the radio Friday morning, he was ranting about women saying I love you all the time, leaving, arriving, on the phone... Finally it got down to him saying "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I told you yesterday isn't that enough?"