Monday, February 2, 2009

It's all part of the process

Today I interviewed for the job I want. I want it! Give it to me! I passed the Excel and the accounting tests so the rest of it hinges on whether or not they dig my personality. Dig it. Diggggg it...
What else?
Really, nothing else. I need to lose five pounds so I will work on that starting today. Uh, I quite like unemployment and look forward to retiring (early, really, really early).
Hey! Surprise: I'm going to the gym now after I eat a banana.
Aren't you glad you tuned in for this?


Margarita Mirasol said...

I've heard that bathing with the odor of garlic wafting around the bathroom leads to rapid weightloss.
Right. Time to fax some documents along the road to buying a shitload of silver.
Will I succeed? Being an expat can have its drawbacks in this age of heightened paranoia. I can't even open a bank account, ffs!

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Good luck with the job :-)