Sunday, February 1, 2009

I have to run again

The Boston site says 16 to 18 miles. Our clinic did 9 this morning (Michael included). I dunno. It doesn't look too nice out there. I'll do 9 minimum and then maybe tack on at the end if I'm feeling super athletic. I should run further: I've been eating a lot of crap lately. Like a lot.
In other news, last night was too much fun.
I like fun.
It makes me happy.


OceanCruiserWannabe said...

If you're ever over here and feel like going for a run, I'll do 1/2 a mile maximum and then maybe tack on at the end if I'm still alive ;-)

Oh, and I can look the part too - I've perfected the 'across the marathon finish line exhausted' look :-)

Duder said...

I did 10 miles. Meh. Not great but not entirely too bad.
Now I'm drinking wine and beer and eating treats while watching the Superbowl (which I'm not even interested in).
Calories out: calories in...

Godinla said...

Tell the truth about the night before last, you were the one up on the tables dancing to the delight of the men. That's why you're drinking wine and beer tonight - trying to forget the awful skanky truth.

Duder said...

Sadly no, table dancing isn't my style. Though at one point I did stand up and clap my hands to some song that was being played with the rest of my team in the interest of bonus points.