Saturday, January 17, 2009


Alright. Looks like Europe is on hold. D doesn't want to go until it gets a little warmer, and I don't blame her cause I think the weather in the UK is roughly the same as what we've got here, which is to say not too great.
And yet I now have this bee in my bonnet and I want to go to Europe immediately, because the mileage that I have to endure to run Boston is going to start to ramp up rather quickly, so I only have a few weeks where I can fack around and do things like traverse other continents.
Murgh. Frustrated. I wish I had lots of rich, unemployed friends that were able to screw off at the drop of the hat.
So, I've asked my mom if she'd like to go to Europe after I run Boston and I hope she does, cause she's never been either. And if she doesn't want to go then I think D will still be up for it.
But basically I'd really like to leave in the next week. Dude. I grew up in Vancouver. I can deal with rain.
I dunno. I dunno. I dunno.


OceanCruiserWannabe said...

I can confirm that the weather in England in "not too great" right now. AKA "shit" ;-)

If you ever fancy not-so-sunny-Leicestershire then I can do the tour guide thing.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

'is' not too great. Doh!