Sunday, January 18, 2009

Annnnnd.... we're back!

You know you're a runner when, at 6:52am on a Sunday you pull open the curtains and the first thing you think is "what a great day for a run" even though you stayed up until midnight and shouldn't have had that last glass of wine.
As I was making breakfast I started to stress about my water belt. It's kind of falling apart and I pledged to turf it after the Victoria marathon, but I couldn't remember if I had or not. We're running 12 miles this morning so I will need it. I open the closet, don't see it. My heart sinks a little (though this means that I can go back to bed if I wish) but then I see it, lurking behind the recycling bag. Yay!
Also? As I am writing this the sun is coming up.
I am so napping today.


Jolea said...

i wish i was a runner...

Duder said...

I wish I was Clive Owen's wife. Wait, is he married? Cause there still may be a chance for me!