Saturday, January 10, 2009

See? Here I am.

Alright. Forging ahead with this whole business of being positive.
I had an interesting thought today: I spend a lot of time making up negative scenarios that don't exist. I worry about things that don't happen. And, while existing in this non-reality, actual bad things happen that I'm not always expecting. The crux is this: you won't know when that abysmally shitty thing is going to happen - it'll come out of left field, randomly one day. The rest of the time? Smile. Life is fantastic (I'm not being facetious).
Okay, maybe I had two interesting thoughts. The second was that I have made some pretty big changes in my life over the past year. I stopped raging against things I can't change and I have tried to be a more relaxed person. I did this because I know that my rants and tirades were both negative and frustrating to the people around me. And then the other day my mom made a comment that I never appear to be happy. And she's right. I know that me being an angry person makes people around me feel like they're walking on eggshells and I've really tried hard to overcome that. But I realize I also need to get myself happy. That should actually be first and foremost because who wants to be around someone who is confused and morose?
I think I did a good job nixing the raging and, given my ability to quell my rage, I do believe I should be able to put the same initiative in to becoming more happy. It won't be easy, but practice makes perfect. Furthermore? I am just so tired of being morose. It really saps one's energy.
And? Another weird thought came up in regards to marathoning. Marathoning is hard. If you had asked me, five or ten years ago, if I would ever contemplate running a marathon I would've fallen off my chair laughing. Now I've run three of them, all with decent times and I'm going to Boston in a three months. If I can force myself to train several times a week and have the mental fortitude to get out there and run a 3:39 marathon, then I do believe that I can accomplish most things.
It's like the Statistics course I took in college. I used to do this thing where I would purchase the textbook for the course, crack it open to a random page near the end and say "in four months I will be able to do this without thinking". Well, when I cracked open that Stats text I just about shit. I was on the verge of hyperventilating. It wasn't just numbers and letters, there were like, weird symbols and whatnot and I couldn't fathom how I would ever be able to figure it out. But I figured it out, and with aplomb. I wound up with an A or an A+ in the course - can't remember.
So I have physically and mentally challenged myself and I have surpassed my expectations both times. Why not intellectually and emotionally?
I need to stop mentally languishing in such emotionally negative territory.
And where there is negativity? I need to root it out from my life.
Oh yeah, and I need to switch to Vancity from the Bank of Montreal cause they're really facking me over on their service fees.


Margarita Mirasol said...

You have no idea how your candidity about life inspires others. You are more sussed than you think you are. We are pretty similar in some ways as I also recreate the eggshells scenario; even now, with the love of my life. Last night I whisked our dinner away because I was upset about an itty bitty thing. Doh. It caused an hour of misery between us that should never have happened and only happened because sometimes I say and do stuff that can be stupidly negative and what's the point? I never know the point but the beauty of it all in the end is that I am loved enough to be forgiven, as you obviously are, and it is only because you are honest and open about your feelings, compared to others, that you feel bad about how you go about expressing yourself.
On the whole I come across as a fully in control chick(ok, minus the breakdowns last year) but sometimes I say and do the dumbest of things towards people who totally love me and I still don't get it.
The beauty is that I am forgiven because my friends realise that I can't help it and it's just a stage and actually they appreciate that I am different in some respects to other friends; I mean, if we were all cool and nice and sickly sweet all the time, well, life could get very bland.
You are respected for who you are and even though I have never met you I consider you to be one in a million so chin up.

Duder said...

Thanks! It's a good thought to know that I might be more sussed that I think I am. Hmmm.. how would ever find out, LOL?
When I was watching "September" the other day, I enjoyed it when one of the characters alluded that our sense of drama and our issues might make us the interesting people that we are.
Certainly if we all about puppies and roses the world would be pretty dull.
You should watch "The Secret Lives of Others" if you haven't already (speaking to conformity vs. liberalism).
Hope you're having fun shagging. Need to get on that this year...