Sunday, January 11, 2009

Running on snow is for jerks

So we went for our first run of the year today. We didn't go with the clinic, and maybe we should have because they were running around Stanley Park.
I mapped out an 11.5 mile run that headed towards Lynn Valley, doubled back down to Marine Drive (and almost to the Lions Gate) and then doubled back again. For some (stupid) reason I thought that if we ran along some of the more major streets the sidewalks would be okay. They weren't. I can't believe the micro-climates in North Van (as I'm writing this fog has now just rolled in and I can barely even see the street below me). It was snowy as hell out towards Lynn Valley. At one point I threw up my hands, refused to run on the snow and instead ran in traffic which really keeps you on your toes as fast moving pieces of metal hurtling towards you are wont to do. But then when we got down to Marine Drive there was no snow. Hello sea level.
Anyways, our time wasn't bad: about one hour and forty three minutes. It was a hard slog, though. My inner thighs are killing me and I think it's because of the stabilizing component of having to run on snow.
So, to recap: our time was decent given our relatively sedentary nature of late, but I'm pleased to have banged off 11.5 of the 26.2 miles that I'm on the hook for in April.

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