Monday, January 12, 2009

Allow me to hang my head in shame

C thinks my blog is boring.
Maybe if I had blogged more about the pork tenderloin I made the other day, or about how sweaty I got at the gym today he would have been more intrigued (I totally did the stairs again and it was a blissful, sweaty, painful excursion). Also, I petted Felix, like, three times, which may be a record. Um, when I was waiting to catch the bus home tonight a homeless guy pulled a piece of cardboard out of the bin near me so he could sit on it and beg more comfortably.
Yeah. I've got nothing.
Maybe if I had a snowmobile my blog would be more riveting.
Sorry for being boring.
If anything really exciting or titillating happens, I'll be sure to post it immediately.


Godinla said...

You talk of boredom, then throw out the sexy bod. Good call.

Duder said...

I was more after a headless look of nonchalance and indifference...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, much too hot for nonchalance.. ;)

You should take a break, spend a month in Thailand or something it's what redundancy is for.

judith said...

You should go down to Key West and hang with Jolea... You could run a circle around the whole island in minutes and at least it's not cold and gray down there. And it's far from boring.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Hell yeah! Come and meet me in Thailand!

Duder said...

He he. I don't think I can still collect my EI benefits in Thailand. Otherwise I would certainly go and hang my head there. ;)

Anonymous said...

It was rather interesting for me to read the post. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

Anonymous said...

Don't stop posting such articles. I love to read articles like this. Just add some pics :)