Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today was okay. I chilled out. Chilling is where it's at.
I fixed my wireless connection. Again.
I ate healthy.
I chatted with some people online. I like the online chatting, though I do it when I should be doing other things, like cleaning my apartment and depositing a cheque into my new credit union account so the service fees don't bounce. I really need to do that tomorrow.
Then I kind of waffled about going to the clinic cause, after all, it was foggy. And also I'm lazy. But I went. I was the third or fourth fastest girl there tonight doing mile repeats (we did three, plus a mile there and back). Michael was impressed because I kept up with him for the first mile (7:28), but that's only because he's working like crazy these days and is really tired. God I hate his job. I wish I had enough money so he didn't have to work the way he does. Big sigh.
He wants to buy me the laptop that I so covet. I mean, I have money and I could buy it, but I just can't justify the cost right now, given that I don't have a job. And he was like, "I want to buy it for you: it will make you happy". Who is that nice to people? I refused the laptop, of course, but man! I would actually give up a finger or toe if it meant he could have a job that he enjoyed. As long as there was anesthetic involved. I'm squeamish that way when it comes to losing digits.
What else. My mom is coming to visit me tomorrow and we're going to go for a walk in West Van. I'm sure it'll be foggy so we won't be able to see a damn thing, but we'll have fun anyways.
Yeah. That's about the extent of it.
Rock on.
Oh, and I did side planks at the clinic after our run. I've never done side planks before. I didn't raise and lower my leg like everyone else. One step at a time, I told myself. Let's just not go nuts here. There will be a time when I will want to raise and lower my legs, but today wasn't it.

1 comment:

judith said...

Side planks? I am sore from my yoga class last night. I really should do more than 3 times a week, but the back is still screwed up.