Saturday, January 24, 2009


I sent my mom a picture of the boots via email. The subject line was "I'm not gay" because I think a lot of people think I'm gay because I have short hair. Hey, men either love it or hate it. Michael hates it. Anyways, this is what my mom wrote back. I almost fell off my couch laughing.

"Bondgirl?? Come on, T-. Are you the dominant one & Michael wants you to kick the shit out of him? I may be old & old-fashioned but come on now. Those are the dykiest boots I've ever seen. Ask all your friends what they think. And I mean all not just the ones that you think will agree with you. And tell them you won't kick the shit out of them if they don't agree with you cuz probably they're all afraid of you cuz your such a dyke. And the price for those horrid things? Very feminine. You know you can be a strong woman & still be feminine.I really enjoyed today with you & Jason. I love my kids. I'm lucky. Even if one of them is a dyke."

I don't care. I still want the boots. And I'm also going to try and get a tattoo this year. And maybe sleep with some chicks.
UPDATE: I've just added a poll and will report back to my mom. I won't tamper with the results like what Bush would do.


judith said...

And you can sing that "I kissed a girl song..."

I like those boots and I'm not a dyke... and I think your hair looks good. Guys like long hair because it reminds them of that time way back when they would bonk women in the head with a club and drag them into a cave.

Your mom is funny.

Duder said...

He he. My mom is super funny.
Sometimes I miss my long hair and I understand why people like it so much, but short hair is soooo easy. And it makes me more aerodynamic when I run....

judith said...

My hubby misses my long hair too. When I use the 'short hair is easier' line he disagrees. B/c all I ever did with the long hair was maybe braid it to keep it out of the food.

Only a few of us can pull off the REALLY short hair. I'm going to start using the aerodynamic excuse.

Anonymous said...

I'm with your mum. Are you sure you're straight, perhaps you should test drive an alternate lifestyle?

If you're going for aerodynamics then you should go for bald.


Anonymous said...

Ah-ha, knew it reminded me of something, here you go:-

Duder said...

Yes Pseudonym, I'm sure I'm straight! And I still want the boots.
And thanks for the music video about shiny boots. :)

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Hate tattoos, hate the boots, love love love the hair :-)

Duder said...

Okay. I will forgo the boots, but I am getting a tattoo this year and the hair remains boyishly short.