Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I know what "The Secret" is!

I need to eat less fries!
I had fries on Friday and last night and today. Ooooohhh... no wonder I'm up klasdjg pounds. Deep fried goodness, it is. I hope I don't have a heart attack when I do the stairs tonight.
The interview went well this morning and I am going for a second interview with them Friday. I also have an interview tomorrow morning with a company in North Van, and then two more on Thursday. I was getting a little bit worried for a bit, but things are looking bright.
So "The Secret" was interesting. It fell short for me in that they really didn't offer any scientific proof for the majority of the claims that they made. I'm a stickler for statistical data. I love scatter charts. Just kidding.
I think in an earlier blog I was complaining about the quasi-materialistic thrust of the documentary, and about focusing and visualizing what you want even though you don't have it yet, because that's a future event and "A New Earth" is more about being in the Now. But then "The Secret" started to (I just heard Ex-Work Husband fall off his chair cause he hates all this stuff) dovetail a bit with "A New Earth" towards the end.
"The Secret" is about being positive. When you are a positive person you attract positive things into your life. It's pretty basic.
So, here are some of my learnings that I would like to incorporate into my life:
  1. Stop eating crap
  2. Be in the Now (I think Janis Joplin explains it better than Tolle) because that's where we always are
  3. Be aware of the Ego and prevent it from negatively influencing my life
  4. Think positively
  5. Fear is the mind killer

Okay, so that last one's from "Dune", but that was a pretty kick ass book.
Although I do have one question. Why are some born with this solid sense of self? I know a few people for whom the above list is just a given. Why are some people born that way? Why did it take me this long to figure it out? And I think that there are people out there who will never figure it out. Not that I've got it figured it out, of course, it's all just part of the process. I'm just saying that I resent the keeners for whom this is second nature. But that's my fragile Ego talking...


Margarita Mirasol said...

It's a load of crock.
There was this guy in Mx, with a boat. He obviously had the hots for me but was sooo not my type. He was reading this book back to front, inside out, upside down. He even lent it to me. Basically he gave me the manual to what he was doing. I started seeing The Secret written in all his actions. Tee hee. It didn't work. No amount of trying to manifest me into his bed, worked.

Margarita Mirasol said...

p.s I don't thnk folks are born this way. Indeed, I rather think that folks who write such books, are the ones who need them the most.
It's also a good money spinner. Like Doreen Virtue, the Angel Certificate Money Spinner.

Duder said...

Ha ha! I can just see you sitting there and he has this look of concentration on his face and you're like "you're visualizing it right now, aren't you, you wanker?".
I'm still not going to give up my... ahem... visualizations of Clive Owen. :P

Duder said...

Yes, I had a conversation with a friend of mine over lunch about this today. He was kind of irate about the whole self-help thing and how it's a bit of a cash grab.
Also, where can I buy an "Angel Certificate Money Spinner"?

Margarita Mirasol said...

www.angeltherapy.com but I don't get any commission.
Get this, I had a best friend in Japan, an Aussie chick. We went out, whored around, drank it up, did speed, x, you name it....then she goes all serious on me and finds Angels. Cuts out the dagga, booze, starts doing farking yogi bear, ends up marrying, yes marrying, the Angel Queen's son. OMFG!! She manifested it. Uh, and two kids. When I manifest, it's Man Fest.
No kidz.
Evil roar.

Margarita Mirasol said...

Oh he was a nice guy. Just two decades older than me, and two feet shorter.

Duder said...

Oh man. I want the "Connecting with Your Angels Kit". Too bad my birthday was last month.
Wow. How do you go from partying to angels? I'd love to hear the story on THAT one day. Too weird. And to marry the son?!
I like to Man Fest too, he he.