Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I never could feel this way for anyone but you

So. Yes. An abundance of things transpired since I blogged last. I'm lying.
I did 110 flights of stairs, plus 25 minutes on the bike and some weights. Kinda knackered.
Ate yogurt and blueberries for dinner (yay) and then had some rice chips and wine (boo).
In doing stairs I missed the clinic and was kind of glad because, during our hour long telephone conversation, Michael told me it was really slippery out there tonight. I don't dig slippery.
Back in the day, like, over eight years ago when this whole relationship kicked off we would talk almost every night. I remember lying on my floor in my apartment in White Rock talking to him (then in Kerrisdale). We still do it. It's been 8+ years. I'm amazed and happy about that. But I digress.
The indicators are there that Michael may lose his job in short order. That's some tough shit if that's what comes down. He's been there over eight years. What can I say? I'm there for him and we'll get through it and he can move into my small condo and we'll weather the storm.
Perhaps I'm in a weird place. I think it's a mixture of "A New World" and "The Secret" and the Malbec and my fatigue, but you know what? It's all fucking arbitrary and we can't control a goddamn thing. It is what it is. It'll happen whether you're ready for it or not.
And also? In reading and watching the things that I have read and watched lately? I'd like to offer up my suggestion: we are all energy. And maybe we'll all interconnected. And there isn't any rhyme or reason to the things that happen to us or why they unfold the way they do. And we're also animals that have been infused with some level of intellect, but not all of the intellect (vis a vis societal norms) make a lot of sense, so you have to make your own intellect. And you've got to have a riotous good time while you're here because it's all changing, all the time.
Yeah. So... that's all I got.


Margarita Mirasol said...

Hell yeah!!
It's all fucking arbitrary and we can't control a goddamn thing. It is what it is. It'll happen whether you're ready for it or not.

OceanCruiserWannabe said...

"We are all connected in the great circle of life" - The Lion King (great film!)