Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't think, sweet baby, I'm messing with your head

Everyone needs to listen to Dave Matthews "Smooth Rider" and then get it on. I'm just saying.
Right. So I have started to watch "The Secret" and it's pretty interesting. A lot of it is based on materialism "envision the house you want" and "envision the car you want" and I'm not hearing a lot about envisioning inner peace and self confidence, but hey, it's good to think positively about things (Clive Owen) that you would like to have (Clive Owen) and believe that one day you will have (Clive Owen) him. Them. Have them.
I must say that I always did believe that I would have a place by the time I was 30 and that I would retire early and it seems to be happening for me. And god knows I didn't have any plan as to how that would happen, and yes, it was more or less handed to me. So maybe there's some truth to that. Clive Owen.
What I find interesting is how this movie sometimes juxtaposes with "A New Earth" and sometimes complements it. "A New Earth" preaches that we're to be in the Now and that our thoughts and emotions are not who we are, but are extensions of the Ego. And I don't necessarily disagree with that statement. But being in the Now all the time seems to be not too progressive. Though I say this as someone who is always worrying about or obsessing over the future so perhaps the point is that you really do need to enjoy the Now. The Now is pretty sweet actually. Having a glass of wine, enjoying my wireless connection, while listening to Dido, sprawled on my kick ass couch and blogging to whoever deigns my ramblings worthy of reading. Clive? Are you there, Clive?
The underlying theme about "The Secret" is confidence too, I think. You get what you put out there. I think I mentioned this the other day. You don't want to know how much I visualize crossing the finish line of whatever marathon I'm training for. I visualize the bejesus out of it, and it happens. Why, just this evening (cause I have no life) when I was riding the bike I thought about all the people that will be crowded along the 42.2 kilometres that is the Boston marathon and I saw myself running along and giving the crowd high fives as I cross the finish line of one of the most prestigious athletic events in the facking world. Which doesn't let you run with your iPod. Goddamnit.
So. Maybe after the marathon, Clive? Yes. A lengthy shower and full body massage.


judith said...

I read the book... I guess I should see the movie. I agree with your comparison of the two books. I probably identify with the concepts in The Secret more, you know that whole "built it and they will come" theory. But I did find a lot of points in A New Earth helped me figure out reasons for mulling on things from the past, or why people act the way they do in certain situations.

Duder said...

Yeah, I am taking a little bit from each of them. It's all a learning experience, methinks.