Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whew! Big, big day!

I'm such a fucking liar! I slept til eleven, messed around on the laptop, booked a flight to Penticton. Riveting, yes?
After which I (hold that thought: need to freshen up my drink - okay, I'm back):
  • dropped off some old (but skookum) clothes at the Sally Anne. I wore them like twice: they're too big for me cause I always think it's a good idea to buy clothes a size or two too big because I think I'm larger than life
  • went to the library and got out some CDs, DVDs and books and paid a $9 fine cause I'm a firkin' idiot
  • picked up my boots that had to be re-soled
  • went to Extra Foods to get some, you know, food
  • worked out in the gym for two hours

I also spoke to some friends that are checking in on me to ensure I haven't hung myself yet. I mean really. I lose my dad and my job in a span of four months and it's Christmas? If I had a dog I bet it would have met some untoward fate as well. Fortunately all I currently have is Monkey (still needing a name) so unless someone breaks into my condo and rips his head off and pulls out his stuffing I should be able to maintain.
Which brings me to the topic of sex with fifteen year old boys. Yes. I just watched "Notes on a Scandal" which was pretty good. Cate Blanchet was super hot. Judi Dench was appropriately creepy. Bill Nighy was... sorry: surprisingly doable. Wot? Right. Sex with juveniles. I don't get it. Why would a grown woman want to have sex with a fifteen year old boy? I mean, their bodies are relatively similar to mine (this is to be read as "slender and slight"). Plus, they wouldn't know what the hell they were doing. I like to sleep with people that know what they're doing. It's kind of a bit of a huge thing with me.
Maybe I'm insane. Maybe 15 year olds are very well versed and are great in bed and I'm the only person that didn't get laid until they were 18 (oh, happy belated birthday Drummond). Their underdeveloped chests and arms must be fun to hold onto. I bet they have non-asses and spindly legs. Sorry. Don't get it. Bill Nighy any day.
I have a full day tomorrow.
Look at me lie.
Like a rug.
Please don't kill Nameless Monkey.


judith said...

I vote nay on the 15yr old boys... most of them have that boy smell, kind of like a wet goat. I shouldn't judge all by my son's standards when he was 15... it's just that when he was 15, he was in and out of the house like a whirlwind, paint-ball, skateboards, motorcycles, motocross and video games. Girls were way back on the back burner at that time.

I think those women who do that enjoy the power they have over them. They're predators.

Hmmm, you could name the monkey Maynard... then when you are enjoying your evening toddy, you can take a sip and say "mmmm good stuff Maynard."

Jolea said...

Bill Nighey! hahahaha love it!

Duder said...

Yeah, Jomamma, you're right. It has to be a predatory thing, otherwise I surely don't get it!!

Duder said...

Bill Nighey. Yeah. I dunno. Watch the movie and tell me what you think. He's kinda got it going on.
Maybe I'm just looking for a sugar daddy type since I'm on the dole. :P