Friday, December 19, 2008

It's really facking cold out there

With the windchill it's supposed to get down to -19 tonight. That never happens in Vancouver. WTF? That's so cold that I'm just that much more excited about getting up at 5am tomorrow to drive Michael to the airport.
I thought more about this whole "being in the now" thing. I wonder, are some people born with that propensity? I mean, does it come naturally to some people, and if so, what percentage of people. I'll be pissed if it's like 70% of people. 5% is acceptable. I want everyone to struggle like I struggle. And then I think that, at 32, I am who I am so why should I try and be in the now. I'm not a now person. I am someone who continually relives the past and likes to anticipate the future. Hmm... when you write it out like that it appears that I don't exist at all. That's no good. One ought not to cease evolving. I really shouldn't argue against evolving. Let's evolve. I'll try and evolve. I am now able to stand straight and my knuckles don't drag on the floor.
Met up with Michael for lunch near his work. He's totally stressed out and I was really cranky so it was a grand experience. If "fear is the mind killer" than stress is the mind/body/spirit killer. Stress wrecks everything.
Then I bought some brushes for Michael's sister. I'm an expert when it comes to art supplies, I tell you. I was like "where are the calculators?" and "I really like David Kinkade's stuff, don't you?". I paid $70 for two brushes and I have no idea what I bought, but they're from England.
Now I'm blogging because I'm cold and I don't want to clean my apartment, nor do I want to go to gym. I have a bunch of other stuff to do as well.
Unemployment is the motivation killer.

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