Thursday, October 23, 2008

You sucked what for how many cookies?

So the woman that interviewed me yesterday asked for my references today. I forwarded them.
It's just that I'm torn. See, the job is with a really posh country club and, when I pulled into the lot in my '99 Civic I almost started laughing. None of the cars were more than three or four years old and they were all really expensive. To join this club it costs roughly the equivalent of what I made as an accounting supervisor in one year at my last job. It's a different breed of person: a rich breed.
Anyways, I asked the interviewer what the main challenge faced by the accounting staff is. In my first job I would say the main challenge was cashflow. In my second job I would say it was organization and consistency. Job number three: office politics. At my current job we are experiencing cashflow issues and I haven't learned anything for three years. I've become complacent. And instead of asking for more work during the down times, I instead push paper around and pretend to be busy because I'm uninspired and apathetic.
A change would be good. But a bad change would be bad. I'm not a materialistic person. I'm going to have a really, really difficult time when a member of the club calls me up and verbally abuses me because they were charged for three mimosas instead of two on their last monthly statement. I may, in fact, go to my car, take out the jack, and then ram in through the windshield of their $70,000 Lexus. I dunno.
Anyways, I am going for dinner with a fellow runner tomorrow night and she works there and she's not precious so she'll give me the lowdown. Maybe the challenges with the members are infrequent. Maybe they're daily. I shouldn't get all worked up about something that hasn't happened yet.
Holy shit this is a boring and uninspired blog. I had fun with my coworkers today. I was derided by Work Husband because I didn't go for lunch with him. He Skyped me and said, "Pop quiz. What's the shittiest lunch you can have?" and I replied "Sammich!" cause I've been trying to save money (I, in honor of Overboard, told him it was for buttock implants) and he told me I was a loser and to do more squats and eat more chocolate. It's stuff like that that I will miss if/when I leave. I have never worked with a more humorous, kind, considerate, and bloody attractive group of people in my life. I love these guys.
Um. Then I did yoga and ate smoked mussels and crackers for dinner. They're high in iron, and with all the running I'm doing... yeah. I need to get back out there and start running again.
Meh. What would you do: hang on to the uninspired job (even though you might end up on the dole shortly) because you work with an excellent caliber of people, or try something new that might incite you to acts of physical violence?


Margarita Mirasol said...

If your job is on the line, then sure, try something new. But it seems that you get on well with your co-workers, are able to take time off when needed and well, unless you need to fix something, don't fix it unless it's broken.

I can't believe that some folks pay for buttock implants. Weird huh. I got mine free in a cereal packet.

Duder said...

Wow. What cereal do YOU eat? You never eat cereal. You have far more interesting breakfasts than I.
I'm inclined to agree with you. It ain't broke and I kind of like the status quo except my boss (with whom I share a small office) cracks his fingers one by one and, little does he know it, but he's going to get a 3 hole punch to the back of the head in short order.
I think the Xanax is wearing off...

Margarita Mirasol said...

I hate that cracking fingers thing too. All the volleyball students do it so I told them a big fib last week and said they'd suffer from swollen joints in their early twenties and they'd lose their eyelashes.