Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's still not nice out

How in the hell is it 3pm? Michael and I watched the "Deep Oceans" segment of the BBC Planet Earth series. So, so totally cool. Then we went over to the new public library and it's awesome and I signed up for a library card and took out some CDs and a book by Virginia Woolf. They also have a huge selection of movies and tv shows on DVD so I'm looking forward to be able to find something worth watching for FREE. We watched "Run Fat Boy, Run" last night to try and get ourselves a little psyched for our impending marathon and wow, it was totally horrific.
Walked up to the community centre in the pissing rain, sans umbrella, to vote and even though I had my voting card, I didn't have any proof that I live in North Van since my driver's license still has my old address and the temporary card thing fell off (like, gimme a break: how is that supposed to stick on and remain pristine until I renew my license in 2010??). So the woman is like, "Did you bring a hydro bill?" and I said, "No, I receive my hydro bills online" and then she says, "Do you have your vehicle registration with you?" and I said, "No, I walked up" and she said, "Well, you're going to have to get something that has your address on it in order to vote" which was fair, but I was there and didn't want to walk home and then come back (and oh, the ironic thing? I had just picked up my passport at the post office and you'd think that would've saved me, but passports don't have your address on them so... shit). But then the other lady said, "I'm sorry, we're going to have to let her vote: we can't send her back out in this rain" and I was like "THANK YOU" only I didn't say it like that, I said, "Thanks a lot". So I voted Green, baby.
I would just like to say thank you to all the people that work (or volunteer) for Elections Canada to make our voting process work so smoothly and not making us use Diebold machines that can be hacked or some other process that leaves us with dangling chits and allows mentally stunted assholes to get into power (I mean, Harper did get in, but here's hoping he's out on his ass shortly).
Anyways, because we risk drowning by running in the rain I get to spend the next two hours in the gym. That's okay. I'm going to put all my new, cool music onto my shuffle and give 'er.
(I might nap).

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