Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's not nice out

It's 10:41 and I've been up for about an hour and Michael's still in bed. That's okay. I was super excited to get up because I received my bountiful new music collection from Overboard last night! I'm so excited. I've been uploading it all morning: thank you so much! I can't wait to inject so new tunes into my running repertoire!
Last night I met up with my ex, whom I haven't seen since November or December of last year. He noted that I had closed down my old blog and I agreed that certainly I had. I'm glad I saw him. He hasn't changed much. He paid for drinks and offered to give me a lift to the seabus. I enjoyed my drinks and said that I would walk.
Today I get to vote in the Federal Election because if you don't vote you suck big time. I'm voting early because I won't be here next weekend. In fact, at this time next weekend I will already be in Victoria because once again I was too slow on the draw to get reservations for the stupid ferry at a reasonable time so we have to catch the 6.30am one. Michael's real impressed. We'll have to nap during the day so we're not totally exhausted for the marathon which is in EIGHT DAYS OH MY GOD.
We're supposed to run the two bridges today but I don't want to because I have PMS, but also I'm lazy.
It's 11:03 now. I'm going to go check that Michael is still breathing.
I'm back. I just got spanked. It's funny how if you stare at someone they wake up.
Okay. Breakfast time.

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