Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Hallowe'en, ya sluts!

Work husband is dressed up like Rick Astley. Others will be changing into costumes later in the day. I wore my kick ass CBC shirt because I am (lazy) going as a hip Gen Y chick with lots of groovy thoughts on the current state of the media.
I just had a second person ask me why I didn’t dress up today, because today is the one day of the year when women can freely dress up like sluts. Right. First of all, why would I want to dress up like a slut? If I see one more Cat Woman or French Maid I’m going to hurl. And the two guys that asked me this seemed to think it would be something that I would consciously want to do and take advantage of. You know what? Next year I’m going to be Frida Kahlo. Or Amelia Earhart. No one will ever bother me again.
Also, I’m quite sure I can dress up like a slut whenever I want. In fact, when I stand up straight my CBC shirt doesn’t touch the top of my low-rise jeans, so I’m feeling pretty risqué today.


judith said...

You could borrow our sexy cave woman costume, although Amelia looks very sexy caressing that huge engine of hers...

Duder said...

No, I'm pretty sure I would like to be Frida. I just have to remember that in a year's time. And start prepping like a month before because I always forget it's Hallowe'en until... Hallowe'en!

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

Yeah - why do they all dress like sluts? At my old work, all the girls were in skimpy, skin tight devil costumes with their you-know-whats hanging out and I was wearing a fat suit in a pig costume. Go figure.

Duder said...

He he. I'm glad I'm not alone in this.