Friday, October 17, 2008

A bald eagle ate one of our porkchops this morning

We were initially going to leave on Friday, but because we had accomplished the things that we had wanted to accomplish (and because my mom's cat, upon moving with her into the condo, had relegated himself to a position under her quilt, refusing to come out, which made my mom want to hasten her departure) we left a bit early so we didn't get a chance to cook the pork chops we brought. So my mom threw them into the bay and declared the crabs would eat them. And I was like, "You just threw hunks of raw meat into the ocean."
Anyways, I visualized coming back in the spring and having gargantuan crabs greeting us and trying to pinch off our appendages because they had eaten so much pork and whilst lost in thought my mom said, "Look at that!".
And this huge bald eagle swooped out of the skies to attack the pork chop bobbing in the bay. It was freaking huge (I had a bad run in with one of them when I was about twelve: it went into a nosedive in front of me and I thought it was going for the shiny barrette in my hair when in fact it wanted a fish just off the bow of my kayak and the thing plunged its gargantuan talons into the water in front of me, wrested the fish and flew away with it, all with me poised to fend off the attacking bird with my paddle... effing thing could give a damn that I even existed) and utterly beautiful. I desperately wanted to get a photo of it but it wasn't comfortable in the bay and could see us moving about in the house. When I made a move onto the porch to get a shot it took off, pork chop in tow.

1 comment:

judith said...

Beautiful pictures... I saw an eagle once, a Golden Eagle, standing on the side of the road. It was about 2 1/2 feet tall! Good grief... no wonder they can carry off a baby, and pork chops.