Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm running out of witty titles

Yep. When my mom and I were on the ferry over to French Creek it was heaving and tossing (and so were the passengers) and, as I clutched the seat in front of me to steady myself (lemme tell you trying to pee was super fun) I said to my mom, "This is still better than being at work". It was a rough voyage. I kept saying to myself, "the captain wouldn't have made the crossing if he didn't think it was safe" and then the woman that was in front of us told a story about how the very same captain had made a crossing that was just utterly horrific and, upon docking, said, "We had no business being out there".
So then I was like, "Goddamnit. My will's not up to date."
Everything is to go to Michael.
Except all my running medals: they get melted down with me. Scattered amongst the fighting spiders.

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