"Money doesn't buy happiness". Well, if it's not buying you happiness, then give it to me.
"They have nothing there, but they're always so happy". Really? You must not think them that happy, otherwise you would give away all your money to reach their level of supposed nirvana.
became debt free today. And I can go out and buy the car that I covet. And I can rationalize it by saying that I spend a fair amount of time in rush hour traffic, so why not do it in comfort?

Unfortunately that's not my style. Actually, I have no style to speak of, so... that's happening.
Busy weekend. Dinners, coffees, runs, Bard on the Beach, a bike ride, a late night phone call. Ack.

She gives homework, and my homework currently is to write half an hour a day. And to leave the Saboteur out of it. The Saboteur is my nemesis. And for some reason when I think of the Saboteur, I think of Edith Rimmington's "The Oneiroscopist" for no other reason that there is a surrealism exhibit showing at the Vancouver Art Gallery and that is the picture that's been plastered everywhere.
I think I will like the exhibit.
My book is about wine consumption and ennui.
I think there's a huge market for that, don't you, Saboteur?
Congratulations on being debt free. That is stupendously amazing.(in an debt-asset ratio sort of way)
That is a ridiculous statement made by people with money. Give me a hundred grand or four (I'm not greedy) and I'll be happy. Promise.
You DO have style Duder. You have your own cool style! I like your style!
Thanks, Big D. I'd like to accept the congratulations, but am only really responsible for 13% of it. Congratulations to my parents for being successful and loving me lots. :)
How was Pride, by the way? We're overdue. Maybe coffee this weekend?
Congratulations, happy car shopping. And if you time it just right that post could take 30 minutes to write.
The Saboteur will be missing a shoe.
I can't pull the trigger on the car, Jomamma. There's nothing wrong with my current one and there's no chance of me drinking too much wine and semi-accidentally ordering one online like what I did the other day with KCSM Jazz in San Fran because I love them so much.
Pseudonym: wot??
Bought the car that I covet yesterday. Not happy inside and thought it might bring a tinge of joy. Nope.
My saboteur is running the show here. I'm the one in the shadows. I'm gaining ground though. I caught myself smiling two days ago.
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