Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You can buy anything in Ucluelet

Get to Ucluelet and check in to our motel. Drop our bags at go to the package pick up at the local community centre which was brand new and very swank.
Oddly, we noticed an amazing amount of houses for sale. I don't think I've ever seen such a high percentage of property for sale in my life: it was very strange.
Went for a light run to stretch out our legs, had a shower and then went for one of the best meals ever at the Driftwood. If you are ever in Ucluelet and want a great meal: try the Cajun halibut wrap. It was so good that half of it was gone before I was even fully cognisant that I had eaten it. Normally Michael and I will eat half of our meal and then switch so we can each try the other's meal. No way I was sharing this. I think I polished the whole thing off in about seven minutes. Goddamn it was good. And I drank a beer. And that too was good. And I kept on thinking: I have to run a race tomorrow and I'm not that nervous. What's that about?
We left the restaurant and wandered about a bit and came across the "finish line" resplendent with the massive bleachers that reminded me of Boston. I envisioned the tens of thousands of spectators that would be five and six deep, screaming for us as we crossed the finish line. Still no jitters.
We continued our walk up Main Street and came across a rather picturesque church. I thought the landscaping was beautiful. Turns out it too was for sale. I think it was rather reasonably priced in the 200-300k range.
Yeah. So I opted not to buy the house of god, and we instead crossed the street because we saw a Luongo jersey in the thrift store.
$100? Slaps knee. Did you watch last night's game??

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